
This section of the website contains information and resources for consultant trainers and those who are interested in being approved as an educational or clinical supervisor. 

To be eligible to be an Educational Supervisor in Core Psychiatry Training you need to be in a consultant post.

To be eligible to be an Educational Supervisor for Advanced Psychiatry Training (all programmes) you will need to be in a substantive consultant post. You would not usually be approved for training until you have been in the post for a year.  Any Consultant (locum or substantive) can be approved as a clinical supervisor, but in psychiatry is it uncommon for the Clinical and Educational supervisor roles to be separated. 

Application- Stage 1: Faculty Training Modules/Accreditation

To become a clinical or educational supervisor trainers should express an interest via their local Postgraduate Medical Education team and/or Training Programme Director/College Tutor. They must complete the initial series of modules of the Peninsula Postgraduate Graduate Medical Education programme or accredit the equivalent before commencing in the role, modules 1-3 must be completed for Clinical Supervisors and modules 1-5 for Educational Supervisors. Further information on faculty training and upcoming courses can be found on our Faculty Development pages. 

Application- Stage 2: Psychiatry Trainer Application via the Training and Education Committee

Once a trainer has completed the initial series of modules of the Peninsula Postgraduate Graduate Medical Education programme or accredited the equivalent, they should apply to be a Psychiatry Trainer via the School of Psychiatry Training and Education Committee. 

The application will require the following: 

  1. A brief CV This must contain your GMC details including your revalidation date and that you are up to date with NHS appraisal. You need to confirm you are in good standing for CPD with the Royal College of Psychiatrists. You should state when you completed the mandatory training and provide information about any other relevant educational training or qualifications. Please ensure you provide the date your CV was updated. Ideally trainers will hold a CCT in the specialty they are applying to. If not, they should discuss with the Training Programme Director from the relevant scheme.
  2. A description of the training post. This should provide a brief description of the post (clinical base(s), nature of the work (inpatient, outpatient, crisis etc.), information about the clinical staff in the team, description of the facilities (office space, desk space, IT etc.), and admin support (which must be provided for all aspects of the trainees work). Include a summary of the main clinical opportunities and other clinical experience available. A summary of non-clinical opportunities (management, teaching, research, quality improvement, supervision) is needed. Provide information about out of hours work (shift or on call, resident, or non-resident, who else is working at that time, nature of the work carried out).
  3. A timetable for the Supervisor. Provide your own timetable with details of what activity you are doing, when and where. Ensure the trainee supervision session is detailed. You need to have 60% overlap with the trainee. For part-time consultants this will mean that at least 6 sessions coincide with the sessions the trainee is in your placement with you. If the trainee is doing clinical work during times the supervisor is absent, include details of clinical supervision that will be available at those times.
  4. A timetable for the trainee. Provide an example timetable for a full-time trainee in this post. Ensure the supervision session with you is detailed. For core trainees include attendance at the MRCPsych course and at any local teaching. For advanced trainees include one special interest session and one session for research and any local or regional teaching
  5. The statement from CD/MD confirming the organisational support for role as ES/CS. 

Please contact Caroline Stitfall for an application form. Applications will be reviewed at the quarterly TEC Meetings (Usually March, June, September, and December).  If a trainer would like to be a trainer for both core and higher specialty trainees two applications will need to be completed. 

Changes to existing Approved Trainers

Please note any changes to timetables or training sites must be communicated to the relevant Training Programme Director and a new trainer application completed.   

If there are substantial changes to your timetable or training site (majority of work in a new area/in a new site) your post will need to be re-approved. You need to provide a new job description and timetables. You do not need to provide a new C.V. You should liaise with your Medical Education Manager in plenty of time to ensure that the post and the site have the necessary approval. 

Application- Stage 3: Application Review Outcome

Once the application has been reviewed the relevant Training Programme Director will be in contact to either request further details or confirm support. 

Once the application has been approved we must ensure GMC site approval is in place, this must be done prior to allocating the trainee to the site.