In discussion with the Head of School, we have made the decision to temporarily cancel the MRCPsych Course until 23/4/2020  at which time it will be reviewed, due to COVID-19. Further information on whether we are able to provide some online material to study in lieu, and revised time table will be available in due course. Please report to your usual place of work instead of attending the course.


The MRCPsych course is lead by Susan Howson.  It is run over a two-year cycle for the first two years of core training (CT1 and CT2)- there are modules (relevant to Paper A and Paper B) which are led by module leads; and then there is a year of the course for CT3s, which mostly consists of standalone days to prepare the core trainees towards ST interviews and posts.  There will also be mock CASC days arranged.  It runs all day on Fridays at sites around the Peninsula (mostly in Plymouth) with teaching delivered mainly by consultant psychiatrists.  Special sessions on CASC practice and skills are run as part of the course.  The course is also supported by an electronic web forum containing all presentations given and is committed to the development of further e-learning resources.

We are very fortunate to have very enthusiastic and motivated lecturers and module leads, who work tirelessly to keep the course up to date and use various interactive methods to make it engaging and popular amongst trainees.  The lecturers and module leads are working with Susan Howson (with active support from trainees) to make the course relevant and useful towards core training and exams.  

Further information regarding the MRCPsych course can be found at the Peninsula MRCPsych website.