The ARCP process is governed by the Gold Guide and trainees are referred to this for detail. All ARCPs should take place in absentia, which means the trainee is not present when the ARCP panel makes the decision about the outcome. However there should be no surprises at the ARCP, as trainees should have met with the educational supervisor/TPD in advance and have a good idea about their progress and likely outcome based on this review meeting. Feedback will be given as soon as possible after the ARCP decision has been made and this may be done by personal meeting with a member of the panel or the educational supervisor.
The trainee's learning portfolio provides the evidence of progress and it is the trainee’s responsibility to ensure that the documentary evidence is completed and uploaded to the e Portfolio by the specified submission date (usually two weeks before the ARCP). Trainees are advised to meet with their Educational Supervisor well in advance to the published submission date and also ensure that the clinical supervisor has written a report by then. Trainees should note that any assessments completed after the submission date may not be counted towards their annual ARCP.
Please note that failure to complete the relevant number of Work Place Based Assessments (WPBAs) and / or an Educational Supervisors Report and / or to upload the following documentation to the e portfolio could result in the trainee being issued with an unsatisfactory outcome at their ARCP:
- E-Portfolio up to date for current stage of training*
- Educational Supervisors Report
- Form R
- Wider Scope of Practice
Please present the following documentation to your Educational Supervisor for review and ensure it is available on the portfolio for review by the panel:
- Portfolio - completed in accordance with the Royal College of Psychiatrists Portfolio Guidance inc. WPBAs, summary of WPBAs
- The Psychiatric Supervision Report is to be completed by the Psychiatric Supervisor. If you have 2 x 6-month posts in an academic year two reports will be required- one for each placement.
- Educational Supervisors Report is to be completed by the Educational Supervisor (College Tutor for core trainees).
- Account of Research / Special Interest
- Audit Participation
- Any other evidence you feel will be beneficial to the ARCP process
From the curriculum (2013 version) found on page 184 there is information about WPBAs as follows:
The trainee should indicate the evidence that they wish to be considered for each ILO. A single piece of evidence may be used to support more than one ILO. It is anticipated that trainee will have a minimum of 12 WBPAs per year, to include one round of Mini-PAT, at least two ACEs, two mini ACE, one JCP, several CBDs. Trainees will undertake at least two audits over three years.
The ARCP review will chart your progress to date and will identify any specific training needs for the future. The results of the review will be recorded on the ARCP form which is part of your portfolio
Please see the School Structure page for Head of School, Training Programme Director, College Tutor and School Management contact details.
* For the decision aid during the COVID pandemic 2020-2021 please see here